Follow The Rules!
- Be Kind and have the audacity to help others that do need help.
- Do Not Disrespect any of the staff/admins/players, it will not be tolerated and will be dealt with firmly.
- Max Accounts One account per person! You can play 3 sims at one time. Exception: Multiple people playing the game in the same household are allowed to play at the same time. Please contact @Admin before playing locally as a group so that we know!
- Money and Skill lots are allowed to accommodate 2 skills per lot at the same time. This includes an abundance of group only objects, skill objects and SMOs! Exception: For Money Lots, all Group Only Objects can be used by themselves in one lot and no SMOs should be present! For Skill Lots, they can use a group skill object that meets the skilling criteria with other skill objects.
- No Stealing! Taking that is not yours is not tolerated! Exception: Ask for permission before taking!
- Have Fun! That is our mission!
- Don’t Advertise! Please do not promote anything that does not relate to Serenity by any means including TSO servers outside of Serenity!
- Do Not Block Admins! It is very important to listen what we have to say!
- A Fresh Start Start up money is $10,000 to one sim of your choice. This is one time only per account.
- No Bashing Server! Please be kind and less excessive on the posting of reports, bashing the server in anyway for technical issues you may have whether it be due to your computer or maybe a bug will not be tolerated. We are here to have fun without the drama. If you have technical issues, @Admin will be happy to help! Please create a ticket in ticket-creation channel!
- Do Not Ask For Anything For Free! You will work and earn for what you want here and that’s final.